Protect the Dolores Sticker


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“””In order to protect a place, it helps to love it. And in order to love a place, you must know it. I know the Dolores River like an old friend. Although we don’t see each-other often, I will always drop everything for the chance to reconnect, to share the ways I’ve changed and grown since our last meeting, and to make new, invaluable memories with it.”” – Summer Doss

POW Creative Alliance Member and river guide Summer Doss has a deep connection to the Dolores River. That connection has fueled her desire to help protect it through her art. Summer designed this artwork to capture the love that she has for this special place and now we’re excited to share it with you… The public lands surrounding the Dolores River Canyon are increasingly threatened by mining and proposed oil and gas development. Your purchase of the POW Protect the Dolores Sticker will help raise awareness about the need to protect this magical area and aid in efforts to permanently protect 68,000 acres of public land in Colorado.

Get your sticker today, then join us in writing a letter to your members of Congress to ensure the protection of the Dolores River Canyon’s natural landscape through the proposed designation of a National Monument as well as the passage of the Dolores River National Conservation Area and Special Management Area Act. We’ve made it easy for you, just click HERE!”

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